Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jun 2017

Busy, Busy, Busy!

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Time flies by and before I realize it, I haven’t updated on here in quite some time.  Oops!  Sorry about that.  But the real reason for this?  We’ve been doing more working than talking about it!

Our Ghana team of 14 leaves for camp in less than two months.  When you join the team, you fill out an extensive application in which you promise to take responsibility for raising a large sum of money.  This money pays for insurance, plane ticket, lodging, food, and transportation in Ghana, gifts for ministries in Ghana, and camp fees for campers.  It is amazing to see how each team member throws themselves into working, raising awareness, fundraising, and sacrificing.

It’s interesting to me that not a lot of people are actually willing to do what it takes to be a part of the team.  Most do not want to give up their own comforts or resources.  Most do not want to part with vacation time, family, and their life here at home.  But the other interesting fact is that once a team member has gone to Ghana, they almost always want to go back!  Without hesitation they throw themselves back into the rigorous task of raising support and working to make the camp happen.  I guess you have to go and be a part to realize the real value of partnering with and learning from amazing people in a different culture.  You actually have to experience the smiles and laughter and hugs to be made aware of the difference personal contact makes in a person’s life.  Sending resources and sending people are just not the same thing.

Here’s some of the fun stuff our team has been doing to make this year’s camp possible.

The Arm of Hope 5k raised around $5,000 for the support of children going to camp in Ghana this summer!

It was a beautiful day for a run with over 130 participants!

I love these little girlies holding up pictures to remind us why we were running!

The cinnamon bun fundraiser raised over $4,000 to support the campers in Ghana who still need scholarships to attend.

It was a sugary, sticky, very fun day of working together.

An outdoor movie was held on a perfectly beautiful night to support the team!


All of these things and more – like yard sales, part time jobs, peanut butter egg sales, etc. are ways that we have worked to make the camp in Ghana happen.

And I have to think, what else would I rather do with my time?  Sit by the pool?  Take it easy?  Focus on myself?  All of these things leave us feeling empty.  But to work together with a purpose bigger than ourselves?  That is worth it and so rewarding too!

Thanks to all of you who have supported our team, encouraged us financially, and cheered us on in what God has called us to do.  We want you to know IT IS WORTH IT!  And if you’re beginning to see what I’m talking about, maybe you should talk to me about Ghana camp in 2018.  It will be here before you know it, and we don’t want to leave you behind!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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