Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Feb 2017

4th Annual Arm of Hope 5k

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The fourth annual Arm of Hope 5k is just around the corner!

These warm February days remind us that days spent outdoors with family and friends will soon be here.

The Arm of Hope 5k is an awesome opportunity to enjoy a day with your family while supporting a great cause!

This year’s race is scheduled for Saturday, May 20, at 9:00 a.m.

Check out this year’s t-shirt, free for all who sign up by the deadline.

We encourage you to go online now and become a part of this great event

The 5k race course is in a flat, quiet, residential neighborhood.

It is professionally timed.

Prizes include handcrafted, original trophies and homemade baked goods!

All runners will be entered to win a plethora of door prizes and gift cards donated by local businesses.

This is a family event for people of all ages, from preschool to retirement.  You are welcome to walk with your stroller or pet if you are not a runner.

All money raised from this event will go to sponsor children living in the slums of Ghana to go to camp this August.  These children have very difficult lives with so little to look forward to.  Providing a camp scholarship will give them an amazing experience away from their difficult life situations and provide them with an opportunity to grow in and deepen their relationships with Jesus.

Here’s the link to sign up for this year’s race!

Click on events/registrations and choose the Arm of Hope 5k on May 20!

Thanks in advance for making a difference!


Cheryl Zimmerman

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