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Encouraging words.  They go a long way, don’t they?  Sometimes a few, small, sincere words of encouragement can get me through an entire week.  Life is often hard, but encouragement lifts the weight of struggle.

This past Sunday at Hope Community Church in Elizabethtown, our church family did a different kind of “church”.  To me it’s the REAL kind of church, the kind where you don’t think about yourself, but instead think about how you can encourage someone else.  Our external focus for this Sunday was encouraging the orphan, the widow, and the stranger as stated in Deuteronomy 10:18.

“He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.”

Wow!  Our God is definitely an encourager.  He is always looking out for those who have needs, and His words are words of encouragement.  I know that when my day is tough, the best place for me to go is to His Word.

So…back to our non-traditional “church”.  One of the ways that people could be involved in encouragement was to make a card for a child in Ghana.  We had a great turnout of people of all ages from 2 years to retirement, making cards, writing kind notes and then participating in a fun photo booth so a picture can be sent with the note.

I am so thankful for all the special people who participated! Their words are going to give life to children in Ghana.  All of these children are waiting for personal sponsors.  A personal sponsor will insure that they will be able to continue on with their education into the future.  A personal sponsor will pray for the child, write to the child, and ENCOURAGE the child.

These children have huge needs.  They often do not know where their next meal will come from.  Lacking basic necessities is a huge part of their existence. Dropping out of school due to lack of finances is common.  Many children roam the dangerous streets day in and day out simply because their parents cannot afford a uniform for school.

This past Sunday, 100 notes were written, and 100 pictures were taken.  100 envelopes will be licked, and 100 cards will be mailed across the Atlantic to unsuspecting children who need encouragement more than we can imagine.  I can just see the smiles as Sir Philip announces that mail has arrived!  And I can just see them taking the precious picture and note from a total stranger and saving it with their most prized possessions.

More importantly those who made the cards have taken the photo of the child home to pray for them.  One thing they will be praying for is a personal sponsor for each and every child.

I am looking forward expectantly to what God is going to do.  With all those prayers going up, there is no way that He will not move in hearts to provide for these kids and make a way for their education to continue.

If God is prompting you to be an answer to one of these prayers, please contact us at:                      or go to our website at

Whose prayer is God calling you to answer today?







Cheryl Zimmerman

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