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Jan 2017

Prayer Changes Things!

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: , ,

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”  Ephesians 6:18

And that includes the Lord’s precious children in the slum of Accra, Ghana!

Would you take a few minutes to pray for these requests?

Ask for these things in Jesus’ name, and I know that He will answer according to His will!

Ama Yaw, a student of Arm of Hope who is currently in need of a personal sponsor, was so sick that many thought she would not live.  However, she seems to be recovering and has traveled to be with family so they can care for her.  Please pray for full healing for Ama so that she can return to Accra and go back to school.

If you were at the banquet in October, you remember the story of Akosua and her little baby boy, Marvin. Akosua had to drop out of school last year when she became pregnant with her son.  Now her son is going to stay with her boyfriend’s mother so that Akosua can go to boarding school and finish her high school education.  Please pray that this transition goes well, and praise the Lord that Akosua has a sponsor and is able to go back to school and make a better life for her and her son!

Also, if you were at the banquet you remember the story of Anita, the girl who wrote a letter asking Philip to help her go to school because she was being forced into marriage as a teenager.  Philip found Anita selling oranges from on top of her head in order to just have a bit of food to eat.  Because of extra gifts given to Arm of Hope at the banquet, Anita was able to be enrolled in school this month!  She is now in need of a permanent sponsor to give $30 a month so she can continue her education and be saved from her life of early marriage and poverty.

There has been another fire breakout in the slum.  This is a common occurrence due to cooking fires, unsafe electrical wires, etc., but it is very devastating because the people in this community have so little to begin with.  A fire can wipe out every single possession that they own.  If you have been to the slum in Ghana, you know we have to travel through a very narrow corridor to get to Bible Club.  That is the location of the fire that happened this week.  Fortunately, though children of Arm of Hope live very close by, none of their homes were damaged.  Please pray for this community and those affected by this fire.

Please pray for Brother Philip as he is currently in the process of interviewing female social workers for the position of assistant for Arm of Hope.  Pray that God will bring the perfect, godly, young lady to work alongside Philip and to mentor the girls of Arm of Hope.

Lastly, please pray as our leadership team of Arm of Hope prayerfully decides who will be going to Ghana for our 2017 camp.  This is the last week to hand in your application, so if you are still planning to do so, we ask that you do it as soon as possible.  The leadership team will be going over applications and working to put together the best possible team to carry out the work God has for us this year in Ghana.  Please pray for a mix of those who have traveled before and those who are new, and also for a combination of men, women, and teenagers with various gifts and abilities needed to carry out an effective camp.

Thank you so much for joining us in prayer!  Your gifts and prayers are changing lives!

If you have any questions about sponsoring a child like Ama or Anita or about an application for this year’s camp trip, please email us at

We would love to hear from you!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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