Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Last Saturday was the Arm of Hope Christmas party in Ghana.  This is the time each year that the sponsored children and others who regularly attend Bible Club look forward to for months in advance.  Besides the camp in August, this is the one time a year that many of the children get to leave the slum on an adventure!

So without further ado, I will stop talking and just show you what went on!

Three buses and ready to board

This year, due to increased funding through monthly sponsorship and other gifts to the Christmas party, Arm of Hope was able to hire three buses.  These are normal size buses that would usually hold about 40 kids or so here in the US, but in Ghana they have the magical powers to get up to three times that many children in a bus!  Amazing!

Gideon takes over name calling

Children arrived early in their finest clothes anticipating the special Christmas get-away.  Older students (like Gideon, pictured above) read the list of who would be able to attend this year.  Attendance to the Christmas party is a privilege attained by regularly coming to Bible Club every Sunday.

Hot weather,Ama given out water

Christmas is hot in Ghana, so above you can see Ama (one of our older students) helping to distribute water while waiting for the program to begin.

Getting sitted to start the program

Tents were provided for shade from the sun and the rain which almost came, but was kept back by much prayer on the part of the children in attendance.

They want to dance

Of course the festivities turned into a Christmas dance party!

Now come down we want our turn

Even Sir Philip joined in with the children providing free rides on his shoulders to little guys like Desmond.

Thats what he gets for joining the trail

Philip is a father to many of these children who lack a stable home environment. You can see how much they love and respect him.


The annual Christmas soccer match took place and this time the Arm of Hope team did not win.

The team

Congratulations to Pastor Ashley’s team from Haatso (the Handi-Vangelism boys’ home) on their first win in several years.  We look forward to competing with you again in August at the 2017 camp!

Kofi's turn now

It’s fun to see the children getting to enjoy this bouncy castle!

more fun

This is a very special treat for them and worth standing in line.

two lines one for boys and girls

Notice the boys’ line, the girls’ line, and several older students keeping order and helping to take turns.

Food is coming

Of course, the main highlight of the day is the big Christmas dinner served to all the children.  The older boys sponsored by Arm of Hope are great leaders.  They carried in, organized, and handed out the meal.

Food piling up

Many, many chicken and rice dinners were piled up on this table!


Line up-children first

Wow!  Those are some long (but organized) lines!  Small children were first, followed by teenagers, and then the helpers eating last.

double do

Everyone is excited to dig into this treat!

Elijah happy with Tyson Chicken i guess


Francis Inkoom and friends

Full bellies always bring big smiles!  Francis’ face says it all!


Michael and Emmanuel Girls pics For Caden

I think these happy faces speak for themselves.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, then you get the point!  The Christmas party was definitely enjoyed by all!

Thank you for sponsoring!  Your sponsorship has provided a child with this amazing Christmas party experience!  And to others who have given generously to the Arm of Hope development fund, thank you!  Your gifts have spread Christmas cheer all the way around the world (quite literally)!

God bless you!

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (2)

  1. Erika A. Belmont

    Auntie Cheryl, thanks for sharing!! What fun! I love seeing all those faces again:) I just can’t help but praise God for this!

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    These pictures are making me miss my friends in Ghana too, Erika. So fun to see all the smiles!

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