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Nov 2016

A Glimpse of the Vision

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Our Vision:

To see young people in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all their hearts so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.

This is the vision of Arm of Hope, and this week I got a glimpse of it coming to pass.


As many of you know, Philip Darko, our missionary partner and director of the ministry was here in the US for about 6 weeks attending a conference, connecting with partners, raising support, and speaking at our first annual Arm of Hope banquet.


One commonly asked questions is:

“Who does the Arm of Hope ministry tasks while Philip is meeting with people here?”

Great question.

Most of you know that Philip holds a weekly Bible Club in the slum community.  Attendance at Sunday meetings is a requirement for any child desiring to receive school sponsorship, camp scholarships, or Christmas party attendance.

Philip returned home to Ghana last Wednesday and slipped into the Bible Club on Sunday unannounced.  It seems the children did not know when he was returning, and this is what he found.


Every child was completely silent and attentive as Elizabeth (one of our high school graduates who is preparing to enter nursing school) was teaching the lesson.  Or rather “preaching”, as Philip put it in his message to me!


Matthias, another of our high school students, was walking around maintaining order during the teaching, keeping a watchful eye on the little ones.


Linda, another of our recent high school graduates, led the children in a prayer song (see the photo below) as heads were bowed around the room.

Linda Helping with songs for prayers

When everyone realized that Sir Philip was back, they began to disrupt the meeting, but order was quickly regained by the students in charge.


Finally, Bright, one of our camp helpers and older boys, took attendance and carefully registered each student who was at Bible Club.  Philip told him to just continue, as keeping track of attendance is important for the Christmas party that is coming up very soon.

So, I guess that answers your question, doesn’t it?

How does the ministry run when Philip is gone?

Just like that.  With older students who have been mentored and educated over the last 5 years beginning to carry out the vision of:

“rising up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.”

How truly amazing to see young people who have been discipled becoming disciple-makers themselves.  To see the vision come to life, is an amazing thing!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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