Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Nov 2016

“Unwrap Hope”

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Last Saturday over 200 people gathered for what we anticipate being a first annual event for the ministry of Arm of Hope.


It was a sparkly night with lights and lanterns and candles…



The theme for the night was Unwrap Hope and as the night progressed,

that’s exactly what happened for the children in Ghana.


All of the honored guests were treated to an enjoyable dining experience complete with

a present containing their homemade dessert – whoopie pies!


After appetizers, salad, and homemade bread, everyone filled themselves up with a buffet dinner of roast beef, chicken cordon bleu, baby potatoes, and broccoli.


Jordan Blackbird pointed hearts in the right direction for the night joining us together in worship of Jesus – the leader of the ministry of Arm of Hope.


Dee Grove gave leadership to our night together, sharing her Ghana stories along the way.


Caden Zimmerman, age 11, shared about his experiences in Ghana and used his stories to


for the children living in the slums, contrasting their lives to the life kids experience here.


Erika Belmont spoke from her heart, sharing how God called her at an early age to


for what He is doing in Africa and around the world.


Sherrie Ainsley poured out her story of how God has grown her to


with those in Ghana and around the world who have so much less than she does.


Philip Darko, our special speaker and missionary partner from Ghana, described the story of his life growing up in poverty in Ghana.  As his story unfolded, we saw the beautiful picture of how God has drawn him out of that difficult life and into a position as a missionary who is able to change the lives of others.


Thank you so much to so many people!

Volunteers hanging lights, setting tables, decorating, putting together movies, leading worship, running sound, displaying media, cooking, baking, serving tables, washing dishes, taking out trash, speaking, and sharing testimonies – so many hands and hearts working together for the glory of God.

Many thanks to our 22 sponsors who covered the costs of the night so that all gifts can go directly to helping children in Ghana.  Two of our goals of the night were to raise funds to hire a female social worker to work with the girls sponsored by Arm of Hope and to sponsor more children to go to school.  Both of these goals were met by gifts from our amazing banquet guests!

Thank you to all of you who came out to learn about what God is doing in Ghana, and especially to those of you who brought friends so they could learn too.

Please continue to pray for the children in Ghana.  We watch with eager anticipation as we look into the future!


Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (2)

  1. Nancy Musser

    WONDERFUL event…my hubby and I were so blessed, thrilled and challenged as we were updated on our church’s involvement with this ministry and to hear more how we can be involved with supporting the ministry and the children there in need. Thank you, Philip, for being used by God to provide great ministry and service to so many precious children. Praying our church’s outreach to your ministry will continue to strengthen and grow stronger.

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    Thanks for this encouragement, Nancy, and thank you for taking time to come and enjoy the banquet!

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