Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

October 29 is just one month away, and we are anticipating that day!

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It will be our first ever Arm of Hope banquet!

The banquet will take place at Hope Community Church, 1806 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy, at 6:00 p.m.

It will be a time to raise awareness, passion, and resources for kids living in Ghana.


The night will consist of…

An elegant atmosphere

A great, homemade dinner

Coffee and dessert





a special message from Philip Darko, live and in person!

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“Unwrap Hope” will be a banquet experience you don’t want to miss!

To sponsor a table, host a table, or pick up a free ticket, contact:

Banquet Promotional Poster (PDF)






Cheryl Zimmerman

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