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Jun 2016

Our Problems, Their Dreams

Posted in News, Slum Ministry and tagged: ,

Our Problems.

Their Dreams.

It has occurred to me that my problems are other people’s dreams.


When my car breaks down and my family is very inconveniently down to one vehicle,

I remember that many families will never own a car. Ever.

When I have to wait longer than I like at a restaurant, and the food isn’t quite perfect,

I remember that many people do not have money for food at all today, let alone food prepared and cleaned up by someone else in a comfortable environment.


When (heaven forbid) the wifi is down for an hour,

I remember that many people do not have constant access to the world like I do.

When I’m out of half and half (ok, this one is personal for me),

I remember that many children are sick today because they lack clean water, and I admit that coffee is definitely a privilege.

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When I can’t bring myself to get out of bed in the morning,

I remember that many folks would give anything to have a job to support themselves.

When I complain about the bus schedule, or my child’s math teacher, or the frustrations of dealing with school administration,

I remember that I have all kinds of educational choices here in my country and many people have none.


When everyone in the family is complaining about chores,

I remember that many children in the world must literally hold down a job from childhood on up, not doing little household tasks, but working full days to put food on the family’s table.

When I feel frustration while waiting on a medical test or working with medical insurance,

I remember that many in this world die daily from easily curable medical issues and diseases because they have no finances to access a doctor’s care.


When I turn my nose up to the food set before me,

I remember that people are eating off garbage piles somewhere right now.

When I complain that I really must lose 10 pounds,

I remember that someone will go to be with a completely empty stomach tonight.


When I think the sermon is too long or the worship is to loud or my child’s Sunday School class is too boring,
I remember that I live in a country where I can worship anywhere and at any time.

I remember that I know Jesus.

That He has revealed Himself to me.

That I am rich.

That I am privileged.

That I have everything I need.

That I have enough.

Enough to share.

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (1)

  1. Lowell and Carolyn

    Thanks, Cheryl, for the challenging comments and down to earth examples of how to show Christ’s Love. We are touched deeply!!!

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