Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more


The chance to go for your dreams.

The moment you realize you can reach your goals.

The open door waiting for you to walk through it.

Opportunity abounds here in America.

But opportunity is not a fair commodity.

So how do we reconcile the fact that our opportunities are not reality for much of the world?

I’ll tell you.

We share.


Take a moment to watch this presentation.


I am going to give it to you straight.

We need $15,000 in the next 6 weeks to put all the current Arm of Hope children into school.  God has provided this over the past 5 years, so I know He will do it again!  Here are some ways you can help:

#1.  Sponsor a child…For $30 a month you can send a child to school, provide them with health care and send them to summer camp.  That’s just $1 each day.  Would you really miss it?  That dollar?  Do you realize the difference you could make?  Or maybe you could do $2 or $3, or even more.


#2.  Give a once a year sponsorship of $360…The reason for going to monthly online giving is to make it more feasible for people to give, breaking it down month by month.  Also, we have averaged out the elementary and high school cost so that everyone gives the same amount.  This is necessary because more and more kids are moving into high school.  The last reason is to include the cost of camp for each child. Camp is the highlight of these children’s year, but it costs money and takes a lot of effort for the team to raise it all.  By giving just a little bit more, you help to spread the cost of camp out over all of our sponsors, relieving the financial responsibility on the team.  However, it is totally acceptable to just write a check for the total amount for the year, or give a year’s worth of sponsorship online.


#3.  Give a one time donation of any amount…Maybe God has provided more for you than you really need.  I believe it is quite possible that He will get us to our $15,000 goal by bringing in support from some who are able to give large gifts.  Could that be you? You could help us to keep the students of Arm of Hope in school as we continue to pursue individual sponsors.


How to give:

Go to  and click on “online giving”.  You will then be directed to make an account and enter your check or credit card for automatic monthly withdrawal.  It sounds complicated, but it really takes just a few minutes.

If you prefer, you can write a check to sponsor a child for an entire year ($360) or write a check for any amount to support the work of Arm of Hope.  Send your check with an attached note stating it’s purpose to:  Hope Community Church, 1806 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy, PA.

Thank you in advance to those of you who are giving to the children of Arm of Hope making it possible for children living in extreme poverty to obtain an education and receive an opportunity for their futures.  100% of your gift will go directly to the children, helping them pursue the calling God has on their lives.

Thank you for sharing your opportunities.

You are truly making a difference.

Cheryl Zimmerman

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