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Jun 2016

Our Problems, Their Dreams

Posted in News, Slum Ministry and tagged: ,

Our Problems. Their Dreams. It has occurred to me that my problems are other people’s dreams. When my car breaks down and my family is very inconveniently down to one vehicle, I remember that many families will never own a car. Ever. When I have to wait longer than I like at a restaurant, and […]

  37 days. Wow! That’s how long it will be until this team departs for Ghana and our third annual camp with the Arm of Hope kids!  We are gathering supplies, planning lessons, finishing up our fundraising, and getting things in order.  It is an exciting, exhausting, exhilarating, privilege to go to Ghana and work […]

Opportunity: The chance to go for your dreams. The moment you realize you can reach your goals. The open door waiting for you to walk through it. Opportunity abounds here in America. But opportunity is not a fair commodity. So how do we reconcile the fact that our opportunities are not reality for much of […]

Jun 2016

A Message from Brother Philip

Posted in News and tagged: ,

Here’s Philip Darko’s most recent newsletter outlining how things are going with Arm of Hope in Ghana.  Thanks for taking time to read what is on his heart. Dear Friend, Every summer thousands of children in the U.S. attend a faith-based summer camp where they sing songs, make new friends, and hear the Gospel. In […]