Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Apr 2016

The 5k Countdown

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It’s that time of year again,

and plans for the Arm of Hope third annual 5k race are well underway!


No matter what your age, you are welcome!

We’ve had people under 5 and over 70 join us in the past.

It is a very family-friendly event.

Competitive runners and casual walkers are all welcome!


Everyone gets a chip for their shoe so it’s all fair and everything.

No cheating happening here!


Prizes are made with love.  And sugar.  And chocolate.

They seem to make everyone run just a little bit faster!


Top male and female runners will get an awesome handmade trophy.

No plastic catalog awards at this race!


And even if you come in last, you still get this awesome dri-fit shirt…


and this super-cool water bottle!


The race will be held at Hope Community Church, 1806 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy,

on Saturday May 28 at 9:00 a.m.

Registration begins at 7:30 a.m.


It’s a great family event that supports a great cause.

We are running to send children in a slum community

in Ghana, West Africa to camp this August.

For every three runners that register, one child will be able to attend camp!


Dave pins Mary’s picture on his shirt at the race and runs for her.

Dave and his wife Marj support Mary and pay for her to receive an education every year.

They are giving Mary a future that she never thought was possible.


So what are you waiting for?  Sign up today!  Right now.

You heard me!  Click on the link below:


We guarantee you will have a great day, and help a great cause at the same time!

Follow us on the Arm of Hope 5k Facebook page as we count down to the big day!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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