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A new year of camp is upon us.  A new team has been formed.  A new excitement is in the air. Moving forward we trust God to show us what to do, to provide the means to do it, and to get us out of the way so He can truly be glorified.

As I prepared to meet with the 2016 Ghana team this week, I came across a recap document with quotes from last year’s team members.  These are their words and their perspectives after returning home and having time to reflect on what they had seen God do while spending time in Ghana.

Devan (age 17) said, “American problems are so small. What I do after high school is such a small problem, because I have so many opportunities compared to the kids my age in Ghana.”


Jordan said, “It was encouraging that we did not go to Ghana to see something or just to have an experience but to build relationships. The focus was always on relationships.”


Cameron (age 17) said, “The thing that stuck out to me the most this year was seeing the young people I met the first time I went to Ghana (4 years ago)                                                                  and how they have now become leaders.”


Donna said, “I’ve done a lot of mission trips over the years, but the ongoing relationship with those ministering in Ghana makes a difference. It makes a difference that we have continuity with relationships of leaders in Ghana and leaders here at home. My going to Ghana is part of a legacy. Ongoing relationship is very valuable.”

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Dennis said, “Making connections with the kids we sponsor through Arm of Hope was huge.      I got to see them as real people.  It gives me better perspective when I pray for them           because I built a connection.”


Sherrie said, “I feel like I pray differently for my sponsored kids because God brings them to my mind a lot. God brings other kids in my group to my mind too throughout the day because I actually met them, and I know things about them. My heart is in relationship with the children, and I want God to guide them, protect them, keep them safe, and help them learn.

I want to go back to Ghana at least a second time. I want the people whom I told I love, care about and pray for to know that I really meant it!”


Corey (age 14) said, “I liked that the kids on my team really thought that I was awesome and followed me around. They liked me so much that they fell asleep on my lap,                              even though they were almost as big as me!”


Caden (age 10) said, “When people talk about camp they think there are 300 kids there, but when I played with the kids I played with them separately so I saw them all as individuals.”

There’s definitely a theme, isn’t there?  It’s the PEOPLE!  We love the people of Ghana.  Ghanaians are welcoming and hospitable.  They make us feel at home in their country and in their community.  We are privileged and honored to work with those in Ghana who are on the ground ministering day in and day out.  It is a gift to get to go and share those two weeks each summer with our Ghanian friends and also with the marvelous children sponsored by Arm of Hope.

Here’s to another fantastic, God-honoring, Jesus-filled year.  On July 29, we fly!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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