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Last week brought about a crisis of sorts in the slum community of Accra, Ghana. Truly, we are thankful because it could have been so much worse. An unexpected rain storm in the middle of the hot and dry season in Ghana, brought down the entire roof over the room that Arm of Hope uses for Bible Club. Thank God that this did not happen on a Sunday when several hundred children were assembled in this room. It was expedient that the roof be fixed because of the big event planned for Sunday. Miraculously, God provided the materials and the workers needed to get the job done just in time for the big day!

Meeting place down

So what did this much anticipated Sunday consist of? Christmas in March – a very hot Christmas in Ghana just a few months late. You know all of those shoe boxes you and your kids put together four months ago? Well, they really do go to real kids in need! This past Sunday, Operation Christmas Child paid a visit to Arm of Hope in Ghana!


Does anyone recognize this box?  Did you pack it?


Philip’s truck was filled to capacity!



With the newly replaced roof providing shade overhead, and boxes piled nearly to the ceiling in the front, the room was quickly packed with hundreds of children eagerly anticipating the excitement of a belated Christmas morning. I can just imagine the ear-piercing chaos that abounded as names were called from the list and children walked forward to receive their gifts, waiting until everyone had received to thank God before tearing them open.


As devastating as the loss of the roof was to the community, it truly was a blessing in disguise,

because  the new room provides better shelter and ventilation than the old one ever did!


Philip’s supportive wife, Hannah, and many of the big boys being mentored by Philip

helped to carry out the Operation Christmas Child distribution.


How amazing to see smiles on the faces of children who so often have nothing to smile about. There were extra squeals of delight as they found letters and pictures from the givers of their gifts. Many expressed interest in writing a letter to the person who packed their box.



This is Desmond and Emmanuel.

My guess is that they have never before received a gift like this in their six years of life!


Want to know a secret?  If you pack a boy box for Operation Christmas Child,

the best thing you can do is add a soccer ball.

Seriously.  It’s what every boy wants.  You will be a hero.


Philip exclaimed how the children received much needed school supplies

and some without shoes were able to pull footwear from their boxes

and immediately slip them onto their feet!


At the end of the day, everyone headed home with their wonderful gifts on top of their heads,

Ghanaian style, of course!


Smiles all around!


This is my favorite picture of all.  Philip’s face sums up his passionate love and commitment to the children of Arm of Hope.  He leads them, teaches them, and disciplines them, but he does it with such a heart of love and kindness and compassion.  In him, these children truly have a picture of Jesus and his love.  Brother Philip, it is a joy and an honor to partner with you!

And to each of you have have made an Operation Christmas Child box possible this year, here’s proof that you really have made a difference!  The pictures are phone quality, but I believe they portray exactly what a Christmas box is all about.  It’s about Jesus, reaching down to us in our brokenness and giving us hope!  Thank you for partnering with Arm of Hope in Ghana to bring hope to children in need.

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (1)

  1. Robin Bush

    God is amazing. How wonderful to have the children blessed by Operation Christmas Child. It is wonderful to know and serve a God who sees all and coordinates all for his purpose and for his glory who loves us so much!

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