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Due to the growth of the ministry of Arm of Hope, we are transitioning from once-a-year sponsorships to monthly sponsorships. We believe this will make sponsoring a child more affordable for donors and will also provide additional benefits for the children living in the slums of Accra, Ghana. Monthly sponsorships will cover more than just school for each child, as well as help to streamline our administrative responsibilities. This will ultimately make it possible for the ministry of Arm of Hope to reach more children for Christ. At this point we are endeavoring to build up our resources so that we have enough finances to send 260 children in the slums of Ghana to school this fall. Starting your monthly sponsorship giving as soon as possible will help us meet this goal! For just a dollar a day, you can change a child’s life!


Currently there are over 50,000 people, many of them children, living on a tiny 4 acre piece of land in Accra, Ghana.  Conditions in the homes of these children are often unbearable, as they lack electricity, sanitation, and restroom facilities.  Many of these children are forced to work at a young age just to survive and help put food on their families’ tables.  Providing these children with an education gives them an often unheard of opportunity to rise above their circumstances, giving hope to their dismal futures.  Providing education for children and helping them to know Jesus are the top priorities of Arm of Hope.


In the year 2016, Arm of Hope is asking God for 260 children.  We are asking God for sponsors to come alongside of these children so they can learn and grow both academically and spiritually.  For just a dollar a day, you can help to answer that prayer.

If you are already a sponsor of Arm of Hope, we are humbly asking you to consider becoming a monthly sponsor starting as soon as possible.  Becoming a monthly sponsor right now will give Arm of Hope the boost it needs to financially be able to begin the new endeavors God is calling us to pursue.

If you are not currently a sponsor of Arm of Hope, we are humbly asking you to consider sponsoring one or more children right now.  Your small sacrifice of $30 per month can literally change a child’s entire future.  While here in the states $30 can be spent quickly on a trip to McDonalds, a stop at the Dollar Store, or a couple of treats at the coffee shop, that same money can provide education, health care and camp for a child in Ghana who has virtually nothing.


Thank you for considering how God may be calling you to share the resources with which He has blessed you!  Thanks to this new website God has provided, it is easy to give.  Follow the simple instructions to give online and you will be contacted shortly with information about your newly sponsored child.

Thank you in advance for taking the “Dollar a Day Challenge” with us!


Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (2)

  1. Chuck and Barb Eckert

    Sign us up for $1 a day!

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    Hi Barb! Thanks so much! I will contact you via email. God bless you for sharing with the kids in Ghana!

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