Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Merry Christmas to you from all of your friends in Ghana, West Africa!  Last week was the annual Christmas party and many of the Arm of Hope sponsored kids were in attendance.

There were 382 children from the slum community at the party arriving on four buses.

If you look closely, you may just see your sponsored child in the sea of faces.  I see Caden’s sponsored child, Desmond, in the orange shirt in the front row here.  He is really growing up!


The true story of Christmas was shared and was of course followed by much dancing and joyful celebration.

The highlight of the day – just like it is here in the US – is always the food.  That’s a lot of chicken and rice dinners packaged and ready to enjoy.  Gideon and Linda are serving!

Boys like to eat a lot of food, no matter where you are in the world!

This picture made me laugh out loud.  I’m thinking that juice boxes are a bit unfamiliar, and Brother Philip was being petitioned for help!  Ha!  Ha!

Look at this precious, little lady enjoying her Christmas food!

It looks like Santa even made an appearance.  It is my imagination or does this Santa look familiar?

The smaller boys played football this year and the Arm of Hope team gave it their all, even though they didn’t win this time.

My favorite pictures show the JOY on the faces of these children.  I love to see them having fun and leaving their difficulties behind to celebrate!  The Christmas party is like a mini, one day camp experience in December.  Now I know they will start anticipating the big camp next July and August!  Everyone will be going to Bible Club and asking Sir Philip, “Sir, do you see me?” making sure their names are on the attendance roster so they are eligible for the big camp!

By the way, plans for camp will be starting soon, and our team is already forming.  If God is nudging you to go to Ghana in 2018, please contact us and we will be able to answer any questions you may have or send you an application!  Message us at today!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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